Title: | Extracts the Backbone from Graphs |
Description: | An implementation of methods for extracting an unweighted unipartite graph (i.e. a backbone) from an unweighted unipartite graph, a weighted unipartite graph, the projection of an unweighted bipartite graph, or the projection of a weighted bipartite graph (Neal, 2022 <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137>). |
Authors: | Zachary Neal [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Zachary Neal <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.1.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 05:11:53 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/zpneal/backbone |
Provides methods for extracting from an unweighted and sparse subgraph (i.e., a backbone) that contains only the most "important" edges in a weighted bipartite projection, a non-projection weighted network, or an unweighted network.
Available backbone extraction functions include:
For weighted bipartite projections of weighted bipartite networks: osdsm()
For weighted bipartite projections of binary bipartite networks: fixedfill()
, fixedrow()
, fixedcol()
, sdsm()
, and fdsm()
For non-projection weighted networks: global()
, disparity()
For unweighted networks: sparsify()
, sparsify.with.skeleton()
, sparsify.with.gspar()
, sparsify.with.lspar()
, sparsify.with.simmelian()
, sparsify.with.jaccard()
, sparsify.with.meetmin()
, sparsify.with.geometric()
, sparsify.with.hypergeometric()
, sparsify.with.localdegree()
, sparsify.with.quadrilateral()
For all networks: backbone.suggest()
will examine the data and suggest an appropriate backbone function
The package also includes some utility functions:
- Fast marginal-preserving randomization of binary matrices
- Compute probabilities under the bipartite configuration model
For additional documentation and background on the package functions, see vignette("backbone")
For updates, papers, presentations, and other backbone news, please see www.rbackbone.net
Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
returns a binary or signed adjacency matrix
containing the backbone that retains only the significant edges.
backbone.extract( bb.object, signed = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, mtc = "none", class = bb.object$class, narrative = FALSE )
backbone.extract( bb.object, signed = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, mtc = "none", class = bb.object$class, narrative = FALSE )
bb.object |
backbone: backbone S3 class object. |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("matrix", "sparseMatrix", "igraph", "edgelist"), converted via tomatrix. |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The "backbone" S3 class object is composed of (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
backbone graph: Binary or signed backbone graph of class given in parameter class
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) backbone.object <- fixedrow(B, alpha = NULL) bb <- backbone.extract(backbone.object, alpha = 0.05)
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) backbone.object <- fixedrow(B, alpha = NULL) bb <- backbone.extract(backbone.object, alpha = 0.05)
suggests and optionally runs an appropriate backbone model for a graph object.
backbone.suggest(G, s = NULL)
backbone.suggest(G, s = NULL)
G |
graph: A graph represented in an object of class matrix, sparse |
s |
numeric: If provided, a backbone is extracted using this value as the significance level or sparsification parameter. |
If s
== NULL: NULL, but a message is displayed with a suggested model.
If 0 <= s
<= 1: A binary backbone graph in the same class as G
, obtained by extracting the backbone
at the s
significance level (if a statistical model is suggested) or using sparisfication parameter s
(if a sparsification model is suggested). The code used to perform the extraction, and suggested manuscript
text are displayed.
Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
M <- matrix(runif(100),10,10) #A random weighted, directed graph backbone <- backbone.suggest(M) backbone <- backbone.suggest(M, s = 0.05)
M <- matrix(runif(100),10,10) #A random weighted, directed graph backbone <- backbone.suggest(M) backbone <- backbone.suggest(M, s = 0.05)
estimates cell probabilities under the bipartite configuration model
bicm(M, fitness = FALSE, tol = 1e-08, max_steps = 200, ...)
bicm(M, fitness = FALSE, tol = 1e-08, max_steps = 200, ...)
M |
matrix: a binary matrix |
fitness |
boolean: FALSE returns a matrix of probabilities, TRUE returns a list of row and column fitnesses only |
tol |
numeric, tolerance of algorithm |
max_steps |
numeric, number of times to run loglikelihood_prime_bicm algorithm |
... |
optional arguments |
Given a binary matrix M, the Bipartite Configuration Model (BiCM; Saracco et. al. 2015) returns a valued matrix
B in which Bij is the approximate probability that Mij = 1 in the space of all binary matrices with
the same row and column marginals as M. The BiCM yields the closest approximations of the true probabilities
compared to other estimation methods (Neal et al., 2021), and is used by sdsm()
to extract the backbone of
a bipartite projection using the stochastic degree sequence model.
Matrix M is "conforming" if no rows and no columns contain only zeros or only ones. If M is conforming, then
is faster. Additionally, if fitness = TRUE
, then bicm()
returns a list of row and column fitnesses,
which requires less memory. Given the ith row's fitness Ri and the jth column's fitness Rj, the entry Bij in
the probability matrix can be computed as Ri x Rj/(1+(Ri x Rj)).
Matrix M is "non-conforming" if any rows or any columns contain only zeros or only ones. If M is non-conforming,
then bicm()
is slower and will only return a probability matrix.
a matrix of probabilities or a list of fitnesses
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
bicm: Saracco, F., Di Clemente, R., Gabrielli, A., & Squartini, T. (2015). Randomizing bipartite networks: The case of the World Trade Web. Scientific Reports, 5, 10595. doi:10.1038/srep10595
M <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1),3,3) #A binary matrix bicm(M)
M <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1),3,3) #A binary matrix bicm(M)
extracts the backbone of a weighted network using the Disparity Filter.
disparity( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
disparity( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
W |
A positively-weighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The disparity
function applies the disparity filter (Serrano et al., 2009), which compares an edge's weight to
its expected weight if a node's total degree was uniformly distributed across all its edges. The graph may be
directed or undirected, however the edge weights must be positive.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If W
is an unweighted bipartite graph, then the disparity filter is applied to its weighted bipartite projection.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
disparity filter: Serrano, M. A., Boguna, M., & Vespignani, A. (2009). Extracting the multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 6483-6488. doi:10.1073/pnas.0808904106
#A network with heterogeneous (i.e. multiscale) weights net <- matrix(c(0,10,10,10,10,75,0,0,0,0, 10,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 75,0,0,0,0,0,100,100,100,100, 0,0,0,0,0,100,0,10,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,0,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,0,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,10,0),10) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = sqrt(igraph::E(net)$weight)) #A stronger clique & a weaker clique strong <- igraph::delete.edges(net, which(igraph::E(net)$weight < mean(igraph::E(net)$weight))) plot(strong) #A backbone of stronger-than-average edges ignores the weaker clique bb <- disparity(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #A disparity backbone... plot(bb) #...preserves edges at multiple scales
#A network with heterogeneous (i.e. multiscale) weights net <- matrix(c(0,10,10,10,10,75,0,0,0,0, 10,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 75,0,0,0,0,0,100,100,100,100, 0,0,0,0,0,100,0,10,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,0,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,0,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,10,0),10) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = sqrt(igraph::E(net)$weight)) #A stronger clique & a weaker clique strong <- igraph::delete.edges(net, which(igraph::E(net)$weight < mean(igraph::E(net)$weight))) plot(strong) #A backbone of stronger-than-average edges ignores the weaker clique bb <- disparity(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #A disparity backbone... plot(bb) #...preserves edges at multiple scales
randomizes a binary matrix, preserving the row and column sums
fastball(M, trades = 5 * nrow(M))
fastball(M, trades = 5 * nrow(M))
M |
matrix: a binary matrix (see details) |
trades |
integer: number of trades; the default is 5R trades (approx. mixing time) |
Given a matrix M
, fastball
randomly samples a new matrix from the space of all matrices with the same row and column sums as M
matrix: A random binary matrix with same row sums and column sums as M.
fastball: Godard, Karl and Neal, Zachary P. 2022. fastball: A fast algorithm to sample bipartite graphs with fixed degree sequences. Journal of Complex Networks doi:10.1093/comnet/cnac049
M <- matrix(rbinom(200,1,0.5),10,20) #A random 10x20 binary matrix Mrand <- fastball(M) #Random matrix with same row and column sums
M <- matrix(rbinom(200,1,0.5),10,20) #A random 10x20 binary matrix Mrand <- fastball(M) #Random matrix with same row and column sums
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Fixed Degree Sequence Model.
fdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, trials = NULL, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, progress = TRUE, ... )
fdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, trials = NULL, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, progress = TRUE, ... )
B |
An unweighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
trials |
numeric: the number of bipartite graphs generated to approximate the edge weight distribution. If NULL, the number of trials is selected based on |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
progress |
boolean: TRUE if the progress of Monte Carlo trials should be displayed. |
... |
optional arguments |
The fdsm
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection B*t(B)
to the distribution of weights
expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite network where both the row vertex degrees and column
vertex degrees are exactly fixed at their values in B
. It uses the fastball()
algorithm to generate random
bipartite matrices with give row and column vertex degrees.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
The p-values used to evaluate the statistical significance of each edge are computed using Monte Carlo methods. The number of
performed affects the precision of these p-values. This precision impacts the confidence that a given edge's p-value
is less than the desired alpha
level, and therefore represents a statistically significant edge that should be retained in
the backbone. When trials = NULL
, trials.needed()
is used to estimate the required number of trials to evaluate the
statistical significance of an edges' p-values.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
fdsm: Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. (2021). Comparing Alternatives to the Fixed Degree Sequence Model for Extracting the Backbone of Bipartite Projections. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3
fastball: Godard, Karl and Neal, Zachary P. 2022. fastball: A fast algorithm to sample bipartite graphs with fixed degree sequences. Journal of Complex Networks doi:10.1093/comnet/cnac049
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, trials = 1000, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #An FDSM backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, trials = 1000, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #An FDSM backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Fixed Column Model.
fixedcol( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
fixedcol( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
B |
An unweighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
This fixedcol
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection to the
distribution of weights expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite graph where
the column vertex degrees are fixed but the row vertex degrees are allowed to vary.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
fixedcol: Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. (2021). Comparing Alternatives to the Fixed Degree Sequence Model for Extracting the Backbone of Bipartite Projections. Scientific Reports, 11, 23929. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedcol(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedcol backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedcol(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedcol backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Fixed Fill Model.
fixedfill( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
fixedfill( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
B |
An unweighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The fixedfill
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection to the distribution
of weights expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite graph where the number of edges present
(i.e., the number of cells filled with a 1) is equal to the number of edges in B. When B is large, this function
may be impractically slow and may return a backbone object that contains
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
fixedfill: Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. (2021). Comparing Alternatives to the Fixed Degree Sequence Model for Extracting the Backbone of Bipartite Projections. Scientific Reports, 11, 23929. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedfill(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedfill backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedfill(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedfill backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Fixed Row Model.
fixedrow( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
fixedrow( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
B |
An unweighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The fixedrow
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection to the
distribution of weights expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite graph where
the row vertex degrees are fixed but the column vertex degrees are allowed to vary.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. (2021). Comparing Alternatives to the Fixed Degree Sequence Model for Extracting the Backbone of Bipartite Projections. Scientific Reports, 11, 23929. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedrow(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedrow backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- fixedrow(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #A fixedrow backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
extracts the backbone of a weighted network using a global threshold
global( G, upper = 0, lower = NULL, keepzeros = TRUE, class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
global( G, upper = 0, lower = NULL, keepzeros = TRUE, class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
G |
A weighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
upper |
real, FUN, or NULL: upper threshold value or function that evaluates to an upper threshold value. |
lower |
real, FUN, or NULL: lower threshold value or function that evaluates to a lower threshold value. |
keepzeros |
boolean: TRUE if zero-weight edges in |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The global
function retains a edge with weight W
if W
> upper
. If a lower
threshold is also
specified, it returns a signed backbone in which an edge's weight is set to 1 if W
> upper
is set to -1 if W
< lower
, and is set to 0 otherwise. The default is an unsigned backbone containing
all edges with non-zero weights.
If G
is an unweighted bipartite graph, the global threshold is applied to its weighted bipartite projection.
Binary or signed backbone graph of class given in parameter class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Neal, Z. P. (2014). The backbone of bipartite projections: Inferring relationships from co-authorship, co-sponsorship, co-attendance, and other co-behaviors. Social Networks, 39, 84-97. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.06.001
G <- matrix(sample(0:5, 100, replace = TRUE), 10) #Random weighted graph diag(G) <- 0 G global(G, narrative = TRUE) #Keep all non-zero edges global(G, upper = 4, lower = 2, narrative = TRUE) #Signed with specified thresholds global(G, upper = function(x)mean(x), #Above-average --> positive edges lower = function(x)mean(x), narrative = TRUE) #Below-average --> negative edges
G <- matrix(sample(0:5, 100, replace = TRUE), 10) #Random weighted graph diag(G) <- 0 G global(G, narrative = TRUE) #Keep all non-zero edges global(G, upper = 4, lower = 2, narrative = TRUE) #Signed with specified thresholds global(G, upper = function(x)mean(x), #Above-average --> positive edges lower = function(x)mean(x), narrative = TRUE) #Below-average --> negative edges
extracts the backbone of a weighted network using Locally Adaptive Network Sparsification
lans( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
lans( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
W |
A positively-weighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The lans
function applies Locally Adaptive Network Sparsification (LANS; Foti et al., 2011), which compares an edge's
fractional weight to the cumulative distribution function for the fractional edge weights of all edges connected to
a given node. The graph may be directed or undirected, however the edge weights must be positive.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If W
is an unweighted bipartite graph, then LANS is applied to its weighted bipartite projection.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
lans: Foti, N. J., Hughes, J. M., and Rockmore, D. N. (2011). Nonparametric Sparsification of Complex Multiscale Networks. PLOS One, 6, e16431. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016431
#Simple star from Foti et al. (2011), Figure 2 net <- matrix(c(0,2,2,2,2, 2,0,1,1,0, 2,1,0,0,1, 2,1,0,0,1, 2,0,1,1,0),5,5) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = igraph::E(net)$weight^2) bb <- lans(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #The LANS backbone plot(bb)
#Simple star from Foti et al. (2011), Figure 2 net <- matrix(c(0,2,2,2,2, 2,0,1,1,0, 2,1,0,0,1, 2,1,0,0,1, 2,0,1,1,0),5,5) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = igraph::E(net)$weight^2) bb <- lans(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #The LANS backbone plot(bb)
estimates cell probabilities under the logit model
M |
matrix |
Given a matrix M, the logit model returns a valued matrix B in which Bij is the approximate probability that Mij = 1 in the space of all binary matrices with the same row and column marginals as M.
The Bipartite Configuration Model (BiCM), which is available using bicm is faster and yields slightly more accurate probabilities (Neal et al., 2021). Therefore, it is the default used in sdsm. However, the BiCM it requires the assumption that any cell in M can take a value of 0 or 1.
In contrast, the logit model allows constraints on specific cells. If M represents a bipartite graph, these constraints are equivalent to structural 0s (an edge that can never be present) and structural 1s (an edge that must always be present). To impose such constraints, M should be binary, except that structural 0s are represented with Mij = 10, and structural 1s are represented with Mij = 11.
a matrix of probabilities
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
logit model: Neal, Z. P. (2014). The backbone of bipartite projections: Inferring relationships from co-authorship, co-sponsorship, co-attendance and other co-behaviors. Social Networks, 39, 84-97. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.06.001
logit model with constraints: Neal, Z. P. and Neal, J. W. (2024). Stochastic Degree Sequence Model with Edge Constraints (SDSM-EC) for Backbone Extraction. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications. Springer.
M <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1),3,3) #A binary matrix logit(M) M <- matrix(c(0,10,1,0,1,0,1,0,11),3,3) #A binary matrix with structural values logit(M)
M <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1),3,3) #A binary matrix logit(M) M <- matrix(c(0,10,1,0,1,0,1,0,11),3,3) #A binary matrix with structural values logit(M)
extracts the backbone of a weighted network using the Marginal Likelihood Filter
mlf( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
mlf( W, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
W |
An integer-weighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The mlf
function applies the marginal likelihood filter (MLF; Dianati, 2016), which compares an edge's weight to
its expected weight in a graph that preserves the total weight and preserves the degree sequence on average.
The graph may be directed or undirected, however the edge weights must be positive integers.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
If W
is an unweighted bipartite graph, then the MLF is applied to its weighted bipartite projection.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
mlf: Dianati, N. (2016). Unwinding the hairball graph: Pruning algorithms for weighted complex networks. Physical Review E, 93, 012304. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.012304
#A network with heterogeneous weights net <- matrix(c(0,10,10,10,10,75,0,0,0,0, 10,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 75,0,0,0,0,0,100,100,100,100, 0,0,0,0,0,100,0,10,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,0,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,0,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,10,0),10) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = sqrt(igraph::E(net)$weight)) #A stronger clique & a weaker clique strong <- igraph::delete.edges(net, which(igraph::E(net)$weight < mean(igraph::E(net)$weight))) plot(strong) #A backbone of stronger-than-average edges ignores the weaker clique bb <- mlf(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #An MLF backbone... plot(bb) #...preserves edges at multiple scales
#A network with heterogeneous weights net <- matrix(c(0,10,10,10,10,75,0,0,0,0, 10,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 10,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 75,0,0,0,0,0,100,100,100,100, 0,0,0,0,0,100,0,10,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,0,10,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,0,10, 0,0,0,0,0,100,10,10,10,0),10) net <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) plot(net, edge.width = sqrt(igraph::E(net)$weight)) #A stronger clique & a weaker clique strong <- igraph::delete.edges(net, which(igraph::E(net)$weight < mean(igraph::E(net)$weight))) plot(strong) #A backbone of stronger-than-average edges ignores the weaker clique bb <- mlf(net, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE) #An MLF backbone... plot(bb) #...preserves edges at multiple scales
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Ordinal Stochastic Degree Sequence Model.
osdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, trials = NULL, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, progress = TRUE, ... )
osdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, trials = NULL, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, progress = TRUE, ... )
B |
An ordinally weighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
trials |
integer: the number of bipartite graphs generated to approximate the edge weight distribution. If NULL, the number of trials is selected based on |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
progress |
boolean: TRUE if the progress of Monte Carlo trials should be displayed. |
... |
optional arguments |
The osdsm
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection B*t(B)
to the distribution of weights
expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite network where both the rows and the columns contain
approximately the same number of each value. The edges in B
must be integers, and are assumed to represent an
ordinal-level measure such as a Likert scale that starts at 0.
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
The p-values used to evaluate the statistical significance of each edge are computed using Monte Carlo methods. The number of
performed affects the precision of these p-values. This precision impacts the confidence that a given edge's p-value
is less than the desired alpha
level, and therefore represents a statistically significant edge that should be retained in
the backbone. When trials = NULL
, trials.needed()
is used to estimate the required number of trials to evaluate the
statistical significance of an edges' p-values.
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
osdsm: Neal, Z. P. (2017). Well connected compared to what? Rethinking frames of reference in world city network research. Environment and Planning A, 49, 2859-2877. doi:10.1177/0308518X16631339
#A weighted binary bipartite network of 20 agents & 50 artifacts; agents form two communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10), matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10)), cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10), matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- osdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, #An oSDSM backbone... class = "igraph", trials = 100) plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A weighted binary bipartite network of 20 agents & 50 artifacts; agents form two communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10), matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10)), cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10), matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- osdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, #An oSDSM backbone... class = "igraph", trials = 100) plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
computes the poisson binomial distribution function using the refined normal approximation.
pb(k, p, lowertail = TRUE)
pb(k, p, lowertail = TRUE)
k |
numeric: value where the pdf should be evaluated |
p |
vector: vector of success probabilities |
lowertail |
boolean: If TRUE return both upper & lower tail probabilities, if FALSE return only upper tail probability |
The Refined Normal Approximation (RNA) offers a close approximation when length(p)
large (Hong, 2013).
vector, length 2: The first value (if lower = TRUE) is the lower tail probability, the
probability of observing k
or fewer successes when each trial has probability p
of success.
The second value is the upper tail probability, the probability of observing k
or more
successes when each trial has probability p
of success.
Hong, Y. (2013). On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 59, 41-51. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.10.006
extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Stochastic Degree Sequence Model.
sdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, ... )
sdsm( B, alpha = 0.05, missing.as.zero = FALSE, signed = FALSE, mtc = "none", class = "original", narrative = FALSE, ... )
B |
An unweighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
alpha |
real: significance level of hypothesis test(s) |
missing.as.zero |
boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance |
signed |
boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details) |
mtc |
string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
... |
optional arguments |
The sdsm
function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection B*t(B)
to the distribution of weights
expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite network where both the row vertex degrees and column
vertex degrees are approximately fixed at their values in B
When signed = FALSE
, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone
contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE
, a
two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains
positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are
significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.
The bipartite network B
may contain some edges that are required in the null model (i.e., structural 1s); these edges should
have a weight of 11 (i.e., B_ik = 11). This network may also contain some edges that are prohibited in the null model
(i.e., structural 0s); these edges should have a weight of 10 (i.e., B_ik = 10). When B
contains required or prohibited edges,
cellwise probabilities are computed using logit following Neal et al. (2024). Otherwise, cellwise probabilities are
computed using the faster and more accurate Bipartite Configuration Model with bicm (Neal et al. 2021).
If alpha
!= NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class
If alpha
== NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a
matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE
) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and
(5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted
using backbone.extract()
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
sdsm: Neal, Z. P. (2014). The backbone of bipartite projections: Inferring relationships from co-authorship, co-sponsorship, co-attendance, and other co-behaviors. Social Networks, 39, 84-97. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.06.001
bicm: Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. (2021). Comparing Alternatives to the Fixed Degree Sequence Model for Extracting the Backbone of Bipartite Projections. Scientific Reports, 11, 23929. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3
logit: Neal, Z. P. and Neal, J. W. (2024). Stochastic Degree Sequence Model with Edge Constraints (SDSM-EC) for Backbone Extraction. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications. Springer.
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- sdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #An SDSM backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
#A binary bipartite network of 30 agents & 75 artifacts; agents form three communities B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10)), cbind(matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.2),10), matrix(rbinom(250,1,.8),10))) P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection... plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball bb <- sdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE, class = "igraph") #An SDSM backbone... plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities
A generic function to extract the backbone of an undirected, unipartite network using a sparsification model described by a combination of an edge scoring metric, a edge score normalization, and an edge score filter.
sparsify( U, s, escore, normalize, filter, symmetrize = TRUE, umst = FALSE, class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
sparsify( U, s, escore, normalize, filter, symmetrize = TRUE, umst = FALSE, class = "original", narrative = FALSE )
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsification parameter |
escore |
string: Method for scoring edges' importance |
normalize |
string: Method for normalizing edge scores |
filter |
string: Type of filter to apply |
symmetrize |
boolean: TRUE if the result should be symmetrized |
umst |
boolean: TRUE if the backbone should include the union of minimum spanning trees, to ensure connectivity |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
The escore
parameter determines how an unweighted edge's importance is calculated.
Unless noted below, scores are symmetric and larger values represent more important edges.
: a random number drawn from a uniform distribution
: edge betweenness
: number of triangles that include the edge
: jaccard similarity coefficient of the neighborhoods of an edge's endpoints, or alternatively, triangles normalized by the size of the union of the endpoints neighborhoods
: dice similarity coefficient of the neighborhoods of an edge's endpoints
: number of quadrangles that include the edge
quadrilateral embeddedness
: geometric mean normalization of quadrangles
: degree of neighbor to which an edge is adjacent (asymmetric)
: triangles normalized by the smaller of the endpoints' neighborhoods' sizes
: triangles normalized by the product of the endpoints' neighborhoods' sizes
: probability of the edge being included at least as many triangles if edges were random, given the size of the endpoints' neighborhoods (smaller is more important)
The normalize
parameter determines whether edge scores are normalized.
: no normalization is performed
: scores are normalized by neighborhood rank, such that the strongest edge in a node's neighborhood is ranked 1 (asymmetric)
: scores are normalized using the maximum Jaccard coefficient of the top k-ranked neighbors of each endpoint, for all k
The filter
parameter determines how edges are filtered based on their (normalized) edge scores.
: Edges with scores >= s
are retained in the backbone
: Specifies the approximate proportion of edges to retain in the backbone
: Retains each node's d^s
most important edges, where d is the node's degree (requires that normalize = "rank"
: Applies the disparity filter using disparity()
Using escore == "degree"
or normalize == "rank"
can yield an assymmetric network. When symmetrize == TRUE
after applying a filter, the network is symmetrized by such that i-j if i->j or i<-j.
Specific combinations of escore
, normalize
, filter
, and umst
correspond to specific sparsification models in the literature, and are available via the following wrapper functions:
, sparsify.with.gspar()
, sparsify.with.lspar()
, sparsify.with.simmelian()
, sparsify.with.jaccard()
, sparsify.with.meetmin()
, sparsify.with.geometric()
, sparsify.with.hypergeometric()
, sparsify.with.localdegree()
, sparsify.with.quadrilateral()
See the documentation for these wrapper functions for more details and the associated citation.
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify(U, s = 0.6, escore = "jaccard", normalize = "rank", filter = "degree", narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify(U, s = 0.6, escore = "jaccard", normalize = "rank", filter = "degree", narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the geometric backbone described by Goldberg and Roth (2003).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "geometric", normalize = "none", filter = "threshold", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.geometric(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.geometric(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsificiation threshold, 0 < s < 1; larger values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Goldberg, D. S., & Roth, F. P. (2003). Assessing experimentally derived interactions in a small world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100, 4372-4376. doi:10.1073/pnas.0735871100
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.geometric(U, s = 0.25, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.geometric(U, s = 0.25, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the G-spar backbone described by Satuluri et al. (2011).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "jaccard", normalize = "none", filter = "proportion", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.gspar(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.gspar(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Proportion of edges to retain, 0 < s < 1; smaller values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Satuluri, V., Parthasarathy, S., & Ruan, Y. (2011, June). Local graph sparsification for scalable clustering. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data (pp. 721-732). doi:10.1145/1989323.1989399
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.gspar(U, s = 0.4, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.gspar(U, s = 0.4, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the hypergeometric backbone described by Goldberg and Roth (2003).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "hypergeometric", normalize = "none", filter = "threshold", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.hypergeometric(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.hypergeometric(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsificiation threshold, 0 < s < 1; smaller values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Goldberg, D. S., & Roth, F. P. (2003). Assessing experimentally derived interactions in a small world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100, 4372-4376. doi:10.1073/pnas.0735871100
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.hypergeometric(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.hypergeometric(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the jaccard backbone described by Goldberg and Roth (2003).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "jaccard", normalize = "none", filter = "threshold", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.jaccard(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.jaccard(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsificiation threshold, 0 < s < 1; larger values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Goldberg, D. S., & Roth, F. P. (2003). Assessing experimentally derived interactions in a small world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100, 4372-4376. doi:10.1073/pnas.0735871100
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.jaccard(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.jaccard(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the local degree backbone described by Hamann et al. (2016).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "degree", normalize = "rank", filter = "degree", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.localdegree(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.localdegree(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsification exponent, 0 < s < 1; smaller values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Hamann, M., Lindner, G., Meyerhenke, H., Staudt, C. L., & Wagner, D. (2016). Structure-preserving sparsification methods for social networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6, 22. doi:10.1007/s13278-016-0332-2
U <- igraph::as.undirected(igraph::sample_pa(60, m = 3), mode = "collapse") plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.localdegree(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible hubs
U <- igraph::as.undirected(igraph::sample_pa(60, m = 3), mode = "collapse") plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.localdegree(U, s = 0.3, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible hubs
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the L-spar backbone described by Satuluri et al. (2011).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "jaccard", normalize = "rank", filter = "degree", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.lspar(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.lspar(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsification exponent, 0 < s < 1; smaller values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Satuluri, V., Parthasarathy, S., & Ruan, Y. (2011, June). Local graph sparsification for scalable clustering. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data (pp. 721-732). doi:10.1145/1989323.1989399
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.lspar(U, s = 0.6, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.lspar(U, s = 0.6, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the meetmin backbone described by Goldberg and Roth (2003).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "meetmin", normalize = "none", filter = "threshold", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.meetmin(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.meetmin(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsificiation threshold, 0 < s < 1; larger values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Goldberg, D. S., & Roth, F. P. (2003). Assessing experimentally derived interactions in a small world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100, 4372-4376. doi:10.1073/pnas.0735871100
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.meetmin(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.meetmin(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the quadrilateral Simmelian backbone described by Nocaj et al. (2015).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "quadrilateral embeddedness", normalize = "embeddedness", filter = "threshold", umst = TRUE)
sparsify.with.quadrilateral(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.quadrilateral(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsification exponent, 0 < s < 1; larger values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Nocaj, A., Ortmann, M., & Brandes, U. (2015). Untangling the hairballs of multi-centered, small-world online social media networks. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 19, 595-618. doi:10.7155/jgaa.00370
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.quadrilateral(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities in a connected graph
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.quadrilateral(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities in a connected graph
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the simmelian backbone described by Nick et al. (2013).
It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "triangles", normalize = "embeddedness", filter = "threshold", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.simmelian(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.simmelian(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Sparsificiation threshold, 0 < s < 1; larger values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Nick, B., Lee, C., Cunningham, P., & Brandes, U. (2013, August). Simmelian backbones: Amplifying hidden homophily in facebook networks. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining (pp. 525-532). doi:10.1145/2492517.2492569
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.simmelian(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
U <- igraph::sbm.game(60, matrix(c(.75,.25,.25,.25,.75,.25,.25,.25,.75),3,3), c(20,20,20)) plot(U) #A hairball sparse <- sparsify.with.simmelian(U, s = 0.5, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #Clearly visible communities
is a wrapper for sparsify()
that extracts the skeleton backbone described by Karger (1999),
which preserves a specified proportion of random edges. It is equivalent to sparsify(escore = "random", normalize = "none", filter = "proportion", umst = FALSE)
sparsify.with.skeleton(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
sparsify.with.skeleton(U, s, class = "original", narrative = FALSE)
U |
An unweighted unipartite graph, as: (1) an adjacency matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse |
s |
numeric: Proportion of edges to retain, 0 < s < 1; smaller values yield sparser graphs |
class |
string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist").
If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as |
narrative |
boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed. |
An unweighted, undirected, unipartite graph of class class
package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137
model: Karger, D. R. (1999). Random sampling in cut, flow, and network design problems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, 383-413. doi:10.1287/moor.24.2.383
U <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(60, .5) plot(U) #A dense graph sparse <- sparsify.with.skeleton(U, s = 0.25, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #A sparser graph
U <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(60, .5) plot(U) #A dense graph sparse <- sparsify.with.skeleton(U, s = 0.25, narrative = TRUE) plot(sparse) #A sparser graph